LOVE AGAIN BUNDLES for Fashion Revolution Week
This Fashion Revolution Week we’re proud to give new life to favourite fabrics with the launch of LOVE AGAIN BUNDLES.
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A crafty idea to make use of remnants collected from clothing production and sampling. Featuring exclusive Obus prints, each unique bundle contains a mix of fabric offcuts suitable for creative projects and clothing repairs.
While we strive to make the most of each piece of fabric (tweaking the design of garments to reduce waste), there are small leftovers. We’ve found creative solutions for these offcuts by hand-making scarves, scrunchies and other accessories in our Northcote Studio but are always looking for new ways utilise each piece of fabric.
We’re excited to introduce LOVE AGAIN BUNDLES to the mix, as an ongoing initiative to reduce waste and promote the reuse & repair of clothing.
Create something new, or make something you love like new again in the spirit of Fashion Revolution’s #lovedclotheslast
We’ll be sharing idea ideas, patterns and tutorials on a regular basis to inspire your use of LOVE AGAIN BUNDLES so keep your eyes peeled!
If you’d like to find out more about our local makers, ethical manufacturing practices and design process our FASHION REVOLUTION series gives you a behind the scenes look at #whomademyclothes