Obus Travel Club Terms and Conditions
Membership Rewards at a Glance
Once you reach the next tier, you can redeem the rewards of that tier.
REWARDSSpend per calendar year (Jan - Dec) |
Wanderer |
Explorer |
Adventurer |
Voyager |
Points per $1 spent | ||||
Free Shipping | ||||
Click + Collect* | 100 Points | 100 Points | 100 Points | 100 Points |
Birthday Bonus Points | ||||
Perk: Bonus | ||||
Perk: Invitations to Obus Events | ||||
Perk: Exclusive Giveaways | ||||
Perk: Free Returns | ||||
Perk: 20% OFF Gift Voucher | ||||
Perk: Exclusive Early Access SELECTED SALES AND NEW ARRIVALS |
* Free Shipping is excluded during Sale + Promotional periods * can only be earned upon achieving Adventurer tier once.
Terms and Conditions
- Signing up No purchase is required to become a member of the Obus Travel Club, but you will need to create an account at www.obus.com.au/. Enter your details to register - membership is free. Membership is valid for one account per person. Persons who are discovered to have more than account will forfeit their points and be unsubscribed from the program. Please refer to our Privacy Policy in regards to how we store your information.
- Earning Points Obus Travel Club members can earn points on products that qualify at www.obus.com.au. To receive points for your purchases, you MUST be signed into your account. Shipping dollars do not go towards your points total. For purchases made in store your membership email will need to be provided at time of purchase. If an item is returned and/or price adjusted, your rewards will be adjusted accordingly.
Membership Levels There are 4 membership tiers, based on your annual (Jan-Dec) spend with Obus. This program started on October 9, 2020. If you were a Collect Member your initial tier has been set based on the amount spent from January 1, 2020 - October 9, 2020.
Wanderer - Spent up to $499 per calendar year
Level 1: Explorer - Spent from $500 - $1999 per calendar year
Level 2: Adventurer - Spent from $2000 - $3999 per calendar year
Level 3: Voyager - Spent $4000 + per calendar year
- Changes to your membership To access/change your member information you must keep your personal details up to date through your login details. You will be able to access and review your current and past orders, change your profile and password by logging in to your Obus account as usual. If you go up a tier, full benefits of the next tier will be available to you after the returns period as ended since your last order.
- Cancelling your membership You can cancel your membership at any time. To cancel your account, please send an email to enquiries@obus.com.au with “Cancel Travel Club” in the subject line. This must be sent from the email attached to your membership. Any points that you have earned will be forfeited and cannot be redeemed for cash nor are they transferable to another members account.
Members earn 1 point for every $1 AUD spent on qualifying purchases, in store or online at obus.com.au. You must be signed in to earn points. Points are based on your order subtotal, after any discounts. Points are rounded down to the nearest whole number. For example, if you spend $9.99 you will receive 9 points.
There are 4 membership levels that are based on your annual spend. Once you qualify for a tier, you will stay in that tier for the duration of the calendar year (Jan-Dec), or until you qualify for a new tier. To remain in your membership tier you need to maintain the minimum spend for that tier. Welcome to Tier gifts are only awarded once.
Addition of Points to Accounts
Points will be added to your Account under the following conditions, and will usually show up immediately. You will receive points:
- Create/login to your an existing Obus account
- Shop with us in store or at obus.com.au - Earn 1 point for every AU$1 spent.
- Follow us on Instagram (one time only)
- Like us on Facebook (one time only)
- Share us on Facebook (once per month)
- Review your favourite Obus products
- Add your Birthday (Birth date must be entered 30 days before your Birthday to qualify)
- Participate in other points promotions run by Obus over the year.
- Select Click + Collect and receive a BONUS 100 points. Manually added post purchase. One set of points issued per day, not per order.
Gift cards
Points cannot be used towards the purchase of gift cards. When you purchase a gift card you will not earn points for the purchase. The points are earned by the recipient of the gift card when they spend it, as long as they are an Obus Travel Club member.
Members earn points only on the purchase price of qualifying online products. Calculation of points excludes payment by the member for shipping charges. Points will not be earned on any discounts or other credits offered in connection with a product. For example, if a product that is normally $50 is on sale for $25, a member will only earn points on the purchase price of $25. Purchases of gift cards, any type of price adjustments, including merchandise returns, are not eligible for points. All purchases made: (i) by a Member prior to such member joining the Program, (ii) Online without a Member being logged in to the Website are not eligible for Loyalty Program credit.
Non-purchase Options for Earning Points
You may also earn additional points on non-purchase activities. From time to time, Obus may offer you the chance to win various prizes, and earn points, for entering into promotions. Rules and restrictions will apply to such promotions and may be found on the entry page of any promotion.
Bonus Point Promotions
From time to time Obus may run certain bonus point promotions. Under bonus point promotions, members can earn additional or "bonus points" in connection with the purchase of certain online products. When you purchase these specially marked products or make the purchase during a bonus points time period, you will earn bonus points on each product as specified in the offer. Bonus point promotions are subject to the terms and conditions of the offer and may be offered at any time is sole discretion. Bonus point offers cannot be combined with any other offer.
Limitations on Bonus Points and Points
These terms apply to points and bonus points accruals. If you purchase a product during a promotion and the product comes with an additional, free product, points will not be issued on the retail value of the free product. If you redeem points towards the purchase of a product and pay a portion of the retail price after the points redemption, you will receive points only on the leftover retail amount you pay, and not on any value attributed to the point you used. If you redeem points towards the purchase of a product in an amount equal to the full price of the product, you will not earn any points.
Returns/Order Cancellations
Points earned for a purchase that is then the subject of a return, cancellation, refund, declined credit card or gift card, or other credit will be deducted from your account in an amount equal to the points earned for the original transaction, including any bonus points that may be applicable. Any rewards discounts that are applied to the order, will be distributed equally to the applicable items in the order when completing a return. Points redeemed on an order will not be reapplied back to your rewards account for any reason on a returned order. If a return/cancellation will cause your account to have a negative point balance, you will not begin earning points again until your points balance is returned to zero (0), by making purchases, or engaging in other promotional activities offered from time to time. If an item is exchanged (different size/product) any redeemed rewards on the initial purchase may be transferred to the exchange one (1) time only. (We do not recycle rewards points from order to order or item to item). Rewards used on an order that is cancelled cannot be reapplied as they are good for just one use.
How To Use Your Points
We highly recommend only redeeming your discount codes when you are ready to use them. Please note, that codes cannot be used during some sale/promotional periods. We have a disclaimer if this is the case to the affect of *cannot be used in conjunction with other offers.
Points must be used in increments outlined in these Terms and Conditions. Points towards Products: Members can use their points to reduce the purchase price of a product or to receive a product for free based on the following scale:
- Receive $10 discount coupon when you earn 200 Points
- Receive $20 discount coupon when you earn 400 Points
- Receive $50 discount coupon when you earn 1000 Points
Points can only be redeemed in any combination of the point and increment amounts set forth above. Redemption of points towards purchases of products is subject to product availability. Any rewards discounts that are applied to the order will be distributed equally to the applicable items in the order when completing a return.
Gift Cards
Points cannot be used towards the purchase of gift cards. When you purchase a gift card you will not earn points for the purchase. The points are earned by the recipient of the gift card when they spend it, as long as they are an Obus Travel Club member.
Only one account per person. Only one discount code can be redeemed per transaction. Reward redemption codes may not be combined with any other discount codes. Points may not be transferred or gifted at this time. Points accumulated on different accounts by different members may not be combined or aggregated to make purchases of products or for any other reason. Points earned in a transaction cannot be redeemed in the same transaction. Redeemed points cannot be retroactively applied to any past order or receive a price adjustment on any order where redeemed points were not applied. Points have no cash value outside of the Obus website and are available only to members in good standing. Points accumulated are exclusive of GST & shipping.
Travel Club Discount Codes cannot be used during certain sales and promotions.
Points Expiration and Time Lapses
All points acquired whether standard points or bonus points, shall expire 6 months from the date the points are added to your account if no purchase is made or interaction within the club during a 6 month period.
Sign up:
Earn 120 points for creating an account - so that you can start earning straight away. Points are added to your account instantly.
Points are added to your account when your order is placed when they meet all the appropriate criteria.
- Earn 20 points each time you share Obus on Facebook (max. once per week)
- Earn 20 points for following us on Instagram (one time only)
- Earn 20 points for Liking Obus on Facebook (one time only)
Write a review:
Earn 100 points for every order you review
Birthday Rewards:
*Earn 400 Birthday Bonus Points as an Explorer
*Earn 600 Birthday Bonus Points as an Adventurer
*Earn 1200 Birthday Bonus Points as an Voyager
Traveller Gift Boxes
The Explorer Traveller Gift Boxes are earned when you move from Wanderer to Explorer tier and will be available for redemption with your next purchase provided that no returns have been made within a 30 day cycle of your last purchase and you remain on the newly achieved tier.
When logged into the Obus website, the collection will appear at the top of the Collections. Click onto the Gift Box Collection and add to cart when making your next purchase.
Once points are redeemed, a discount code will be assigned.
We are unable to cancel the discount code and reapply the points to your Obus Travel Club account. Discount codes generated by redeeming points expire 6 months from redemption. They are a one-time use code. When a code has been applied to a purchase it cannot be reissued. If an order is cancelled or returned, the points earned relating to that order will be removed from your account.
Terms and Conditions may be modified at any time without prior notification by Obus in its absolute discretion. Any modifications made to the Member Terms and Conditions may be applied to a Member retrospectively. Obus reserves the right to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Obus Travel Club Program at any time without notice.
**One Explorer Gift Box per customer. Gift Box contents will vary for International Customers due to Customs Restrictions.
***Click + Collect Bonus Points added manually to account + must meet the $50 minimum purchase criteria.
****Only one 20% OFF code is issued upon achieving Voyager status and will be issued once the returns period is complete.
If you drop down a tier and then go up again, an additional new code will not be issued.